SparseMatrix #

Sparse Matrix implementation. This type implements a Compressed Column Storage format for sparse matrices. ⇒ string #

Get the storage format used by the matrix.


const format =  // retrieve storage format

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: string - The storage format.

sparseMatrix.datatype() ⇒ string #

Get the datatype of the data stored in the matrix.


const format = matrix.datatype()  // retrieve matrix datatype

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: string - The datatype.

sparseMatrix.create(data, [datatype]) #

Create a new SparseMatrix

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

Param Type
data Array
[datatype] string

sparseMatrix.density() ⇒ number #

Get the matrix density.


const density = matrix.density()  // retrieve matrix density

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: number - The matrix density.

sparseMatrix.subset(index, [replacement], [defaultValue]) #

Get a subset of the matrix, or replace a subset of the matrix.


const subset = matrix.subset(index)               // retrieve subset
const value = matrix.subset(index, replacement)   // replace subset

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

Param Type Default Description
index Index    
[replacement] Array | Maytrix | \*    
[defaultValue] \* 0 Default value, filled in on new entries when the matrix is resized. If not provided, new matrix elements will be filled with zeros.

sparseMatrix.get(index) ⇒ \* #

Get a single element from the matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: \* - value

Param Type Description
index Array.<number> Zero-based index

sparseMatrix.set(index, value, [defaultValue]) ⇒ [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) #

Replace a single element in the matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) - self

Param Type Description
index Array.<number> Zero-based index
value \*  
[defaultValue] \* Default value, filled in on new entries when the matrix is resized. If not provided, new matrix elements will be set to zero.

sparseMatrix.resize(size, [defaultValue], [copy]) ⇒ Matrix #

Resize the matrix to the given size. Returns a copy of the matrix when copy=true, otherwise return the matrix itself (resize in place).

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Matrix - The resized matrix

Param Type Default Description
size Array.<number>   The new size the matrix should have.
[defaultValue] \* 0 Default value, filled in on new entries. If not provided, the matrix elements will be filled with zeros.
[copy] boolean   Return a resized copy of the matrix

sparseMatrix.clone() ⇒ [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) #

Create a clone of the matrix

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) - clone

sparseMatrix.size() ⇒ Array.<number> #

Retrieve the size of the matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Array.<number> - size, [skipZeros]) ⇒ [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) #

Create a new matrix with the results of the callback function executed on each entry of the matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) - matrix

Param Type Description
callback function The callback function is invoked with three parameters: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the Matrix being traversed.
[skipZeros] boolean Invoke callback function for non-zero values only.

sparseMatrix.forEach(callback, [skipZeros]) #

Execute a callback function on each entry of the matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

Param Type Description
callback function The callback function is invoked with three parameters: the value of the element, the index of the element, and the Matrix being traversed.
[skipZeros] boolean Invoke callback function for non-zero values only.

sparseMatrix.toArray() ⇒ Array #

Create an Array with a copy of the data of the SparseMatrix

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Array - array

sparseMatrix.valueOf() ⇒ Array #

Get the primitive value of the SparseMatrix: a two dimensions array

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Array - array

sparseMatrix.format([options]) ⇒ string #

Get a string representation of the matrix, with optional formatting options.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: string - str

Param Type Description
[options] Object | number | function Formatting options. See lib/utils/number:format for a description of the available options.

sparseMatrix.toString() ⇒ string #

Get a string representation of the matrix

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: string - str

sparseMatrix.toJSON() ⇒ Object #

Get a JSON representation of the matrix

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

sparseMatrix.diagonal([k]) ⇒ Matrix #

Get the kth Matrix diagonal.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Matrix - The matrix vector with the diagonal values.

Param Type Default Description
[k] number | BigNumber 0 The kth diagonal where the vector will retrieved.

sparseMatrix.swapRows(i, j) ⇒ Matrix #

Swap rows i and j in Matrix.

Kind: instance method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)
Returns: Matrix - The matrix reference

Param Type Description
i number Matrix row index 1
j number Matrix row index 2

SparseMatrix.fromJSON(json) ⇒ [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) #

Generate a matrix from a JSON object

Kind: static method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

Param Type Description
json Object An object structured like {"mathjs": "SparseMatrix", "values": [], "index": [], "ptr": [], "size": []}, where mathjs is optional

SparseMatrix.diagonal(size, value, [k], [datatype]) ⇒ [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix) #

Create a diagonal matrix.

Kind: static method of [SparseMatrix](#SparseMatrix)

Param Type Default Description
size Array   The matrix size.
value number | Array | Matrix   The values for the diagonal.
[k] number | BigNumber 0 The kth diagonal where the vector will be filled in.
[datatype] string   The Matrix datatype, values must be of this datatype.
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