Fractions #
For calculations with fractions, math.js supports a Fraction
data type.
Fraction support is powered by fraction.js.
Unlike numbers and BigNumbers, fractions can
store numbers with infinitely repeating decimals, for example 1/3 = 0.3333333...
which can be represented as 0.(3)
, or 2/7
which can be represented as 0.(285714)
Usage #
A Fraction can be created using the function fraction
math.fraction('1/3') // Fraction, 1/3
math.fraction(2, 3) // Fraction, 2/3
math.fraction('0.(3)') // Fraction, 1/3
And can be used in functions like add
and multiply
math.add(math.fraction('1/3'), math.fraction('1/6')) // Fraction, 1/2
math.multiply(math.fraction('1/4'), math.fraction('1/2')) // Fraction, 1/8
Note that not all functions support fractions. For example trigonometric functions doesn’t support fractions. When not supported, the functions will convert the input to numbers and return a number as result.
Most functions will determine the type of output from the type of input:
a number as input will return a number as output, a Fraction as input returns
a Fraction as output. Functions which cannot determine the type of output
from the input (for example math.evaluate
) use the default number type number
which can be configured when instantiating math.js. To configure the use of
fractions instead of numbers by default, configure math.js like:
// Configure the default type of number: 'number' (default), 'BigNumber', or 'Fraction'
number: 'Fraction'
// use the expression parser
math.evaluate('0.32 + 0.08') // Fraction, 2/5
Support #
The following functions support fractions:
- Arithmetic functions:
. - Construction functions:
. - Relational functions:
. - Utils functions:
Conversion #
Fractions can be converted to numbers and vice versa using the functions
and fraction
. When converting a Fraction to a number, precision
may be lost when the value cannot represented in 16 digits.
// converting numbers and fractions
const a = math.number(0.3) // number, 0.3
const b = math.fraction(a) // Fraction, 3/10
const c = math.number(b) // number, 0.3
// loosing precision when converting to number: a fraction can represent
// a number with an infinite number of repeating decimals, a number just
// stores about 16 digits and cuts consecutive digits.
const d = math.fraction('2/5') // Fraction, 2/5
const e = math.number(d) // number, 0.4