Function atan2 #
Calculate the inverse tangent function with two arguments, y/x. By providing two arguments, the right quadrant of the computed angle can be determined.
For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
Syntax #
math.atan2(y, x)
Parameters #
Parameter | Type | Description |
y |
number | Array | Matrix | Second dimension |
x |
number | Array | Matrix | First dimension |
Returns #
Type | Description |
number | Array | Matrix | Four-quadrant inverse tangent |
Throws #
Type | Description —- | ———–
Examples #
math.atan2(2, 2) / math.pi // returns number 0.25
const angle = math.unit(60, 'deg')
const x = math.cos(angle)
const y = math.sin(angle)
math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / math.pi // returns 60
math.atan(2) // returns number 1.1071487177940904