Function eigs #

Compute eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of a square matrix. The eigenvalues are sorted by their absolute value, ascending, and returned as a vector in the values property of the returned project. An eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity k will be listed k times, so that the returned values vector always has length equal to the size of the input matrix.

The eigenvectors property of the return value provides the eigenvectors. It is an array of plain objects: the value property of each gives the associated eigenvalue, and the vector property gives the eigenvector itself. Note that the same value property will occur as many times in the list provided by eigenvectors as the geometric multiplicity of that value.

If the algorithm fails to converge, it will throw an error – in that case, however, you may still find useful information in err.values and err.vectors.

Note that the ‘precision’ option does not directly specify the accuracy of the returned eigenvalues. Rather, it determines how small an entry of the iterative approximations to an upper triangular matrix must be in order to be considered zero. The actual accuracy of the returned eigenvalues may be greater or less than the precision, depending on the conditioning of the matrix and how far apart or close the actual eigenvalues are. Note that currently, relatively simple, “traditional” methods of eigenvalue computation are being used; this is not a modern, high-precision eigenvalue computation. That said, it should typically produce fairly reasonable results.

Syntax #

math.eigs(x, [prec])
math.eigs(x, {options})

Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
x Array | Matrix Matrix to be diagonalized
opts number | BigNumber | OptsObject Object with keys precision, defaulting to config.relTol, and eigenvectors, defaulting to true and specifying whether to compute eigenvectors. If just a number, specifies precision.

Returns #

Type Description
{values: Array | Matrix, eigenvectors?: Array<EVobj>}} Object containing an array of eigenvalues and an array of {value: number | BigNumber, vector: Array | Matrix objects. The eigenvectors property is undefined if eigenvectors were not requested.

Throws #

Type | Description —- | ———–

Examples #

const { eigs, multiply, column, transpose, matrixFromColumns } = math
const H = [[5, 2.3], [2.3, 1]]
const ans = eigs(H) // returns {values: [E1,E2...sorted], eigenvectors: [{value: E1, vector: v2}, {value: e, vector: v2}, ...]
const E = ans.values
const V = ans.eigenvectors
multiply(H, V[0].vector)) // returns multiply(E[0], V[0].vector))
const U = matrixFromColumns( => obj.vector))
const UTxHxU = multiply(transpose(U), H, U) // diagonalizes H if possible
E[0] == UTxHxU[0][0]  // returns true always

// Compute only approximate eigenvalues:
const {values} = eigs(H, {eigenvectors: false, precision: 1e-6})

See also #


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