Function mod #

Calculates the modulus, the remainder of an integer division.

For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.

The modulus is defined as:

x - y * floor(x / y)


Syntax #

math.mod(x, y)

Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
x number | BigNumber | bigint | Fraction | Array | Matrix Dividend
y number | BigNumber | bigint | Fraction | Array | Matrix Divisor

Returns #

Type Description
number | BigNumber | bigint | Fraction | Array | Matrix Returns the remainder of x divided by y.

Throws #

Type | Description —- | ———–

Examples #

math.mod(8, 3)                // returns 2
math.mod(11, 2)               // returns 1

function isOdd(x) {
  return math.mod(x, 2) != 0

isOdd(2)                      // returns false
isOdd(3)                      // returns true

See also #


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