Function number #

Create a number or convert a string, boolean, or unit to a number. When value is a matrix, all elements will be converted to number.

Syntax #

math.number(unit, valuelessUnit)

Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
value string | number | BigNumber | Fraction | boolean | Array | Matrix | Unit | null Value to be converted
valuelessUnit Unit | string A valueless unit, used to convert a unit to a number

Returns #

Type Description
number | Array | Matrix The created number

Throws #

Type | Description —- | ———–

Examples #

math.number(2)                         // returns number 2
math.number('7.2')                     // returns number 7.2
math.number(true)                      // returns number 1
math.number([true, false, true, true]) // returns [1, 0, 1, 1]
math.number(math.unit('52cm'), 'm')    // returns 0.52

See also #

bignumber, boolean, complex, index, matrix, string, unit

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