Function polynomialRoot #

Finds the numerical values of the distinct roots of a polynomial with real or complex coefficients. Currently operates only on linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomials using the standard formulas for the roots.

Syntax #

math.polynomialRoot(constant, linearCoeff, quadraticCoeff, cubicCoeff)

Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
coeffs … number | Complex The coefficients of the polynomial, starting with with the constant coefficent, followed by the linear coefficient and subsequent coefficients of increasing powers.

Returns #

Type Description
Array The distinct roots of the polynomial

Throws #

Type | Description —- | ———–

Examples #

// linear
math.polynomialRoot(6, 3)                                        // [-2]
math.polynomialRoot(math.complex(6,3), 3)                        // [-2 - i]
math.polynomialRoot(math.complex(6,3), math.complex(2,1))        // [-3 + 0i]
// quadratic
math.polynomialRoot(2, -3, 1)                                    // [2, 1]
math.polynomialRoot(8, 8, 2)                                     // [-2]
math.polynomialRoot(-2, 0, 1)                                    // [1.4142135623730951, -1.4142135623730951]
math.polynomialRoot(2, -2, 1)                                    // [1 + i, 1 - i]
math.polynomialRoot(math.complex(1,3), math.complex(-3, -2), 1)  // [2 + i, 1 + i]
// cubic
math.polynomialRoot(-6, 11, -6, 1)                               // [1, 3, 2]
math.polynomialRoot(-8, 0, 0, 1)                                 // [-1 - 1.7320508075688774i, 2, -1 + 1.7320508075688774i]
math.polynomialRoot(0, 8, 8, 2)                                  // [0, -2]
math.polynomialRoot(1, 1, 1, 1)                                  // [-1 + 0i, 0 - i, 0 + i]

See also #

cbrt, sqrt

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