Data Types #

The functions of math.js support multiple data types, both native JavaScript types as well as more advanced types implemented in math.js. The data types can be mixed together in calculations, for example by adding a Number to a Complex number or Array.

The supported data types are:

Function math.typeOf(x) can be used to get the type of a variable.

Example usage:

// use numbers
math.subtract(7.1, 2.3)          // 4.8
math.round(math.pi, 3)           // 3.142
math.sqrt(4.41e2)                // 21

// use BigNumbers
math.add(math.bignumber(0.1), math.bignumber(0.2)) // BigNumber, 0.3

// use bigint
math.add(300000000000000000n, 1n) // 300000000000000001n

// use Fractions
math.add(math.fraction(1), math.fraction(3)) // Fraction, 0.(3)

// use strings
math.add('hello ', 'world')      // 'hello world'
math.max('A', 'D', 'C')          // 'D'

// use complex numbers
const a = math.complex(2, 3)     // 2 + 3i                             // 2                             // 3
const b = math.complex('4 - 2i') // 4 - 2i
math.add(a, b)                   // 6 + i
math.sqrt(-4)                    // 2i

// use arrays
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
math.factorial(array)            // Array,  [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
math.add(array, 3)               // Array,  [3, 5, 6, 7, 8]

// use matrices
const matrix = math.matrix([1, 4, 9, 16, 25]) // Matrix, [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
math.sqrt(matrix)                             // Matrix, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// use units
const a = math.unit(55, 'cm')    // 550 mm
const b = math.unit('0.1m')      // 100 mm
math.add(a, b)                   // 0.65 m

// check the type of a variable
math.typeOf(2)                   // 'number'
math.typeOf(math.unit('2 inch')) // 'Unit'
math.typeOf(math.sqrt(-4))       // 'Complex'
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