Function expm1 #

Calculate the value of subtracting 1 from the exponential value. This function is more accurate than math.exp(x)-1 when x is near 0 To avoid ambiguity with the matrix exponential expm, this function does not operate on matrices; if you wish to apply it elementwise, see the examples.

Syntax #


Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
x number | BigNumber | Complex The number to exponentiate

Returns #

Type Description
number | BigNumber | Complex Exponential of x, minus one

Throws #

Type | Description —- | ———–

Examples #

math.expm1(2)                      // returns number 6.38905609893065
math.pow(math.e, 2) - 1            // returns number 6.3890560989306495
math.expm1(1e-8)                   // returns number 1.0000000050000001e-8
math.exp(1e-8) - 1                 // returns number 9.9999999392253e-9
math.log(math.expm1(2) + 1)        // returns number 2[1, 2, 3], math.expm1)
// returns Array [
//   1.718281828459045,
//   6.3890560989306495,
//   19.085536923187668
// ]

See also #

exp, expm, log, pow

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